5 Random Acts Of Kindness That You Can Do Today

5 Random Acts Of Kindness That You Can Do Today

Since entering a new year, with resolutions hopefully still on track, we’ve had time to reflect on the last couple of years which have taken some adapting. With working from home and isolating, we’ve had to reintroduce ourselves into the world. Due to our reintroduction it's been tough for most, to adapt and get back into the norm. Therefore kindness as a principle - is more important now than ever, little acts of kindness small or big, can go such a long way. 

Therefore at Yogi Bear we encourage people to be kind whenever possible, and in this article we’ll shine a spotlight on kindness and discuss its way in society and how we can all become kinder in this new year. 

What is Kindness? 

The act of kindness as a broad term comes from being generous, friendly and considerate. Whether that's as little as smiling and welcoming someone or giving something. The spectrum of kindness is so elaborate but it all dials down to being considerate in your environment and focusing on others as well as yourself. 

Yoga, as its generic ethos, shapes itself around inner self development, but also a consideration for other people's journey and a sense of community. Kindness in Yoga can see many fits. From welcoming new individuals, teaching others that may benefit from Yoga as a practice, or even something as simple as letting someone borrow a yoga mat. Kindness as a value can be embedded within Yoga and associated with its practice. Kindness can be seen to be included in the ‘Four perfect virtues’, where one can focus on four key values for a better self; these can include equanimity, empathy, compassion and loving-kindness.   

What is an act of kindness? 

Ultimately an act of kindness can consist of any contribution or selfless deed to one another.  We’re all looking to try and better ourselves whether that's in knowledge of certain subjects or within certain situations or activities. Considering kindness and being open to the thought of being kinder can have such a positive influence on people's surroundings and a good attitude to take forward as we‘ve started a new year.

How can I be kinder? 

There are many ways a person can be kind, wherever sees fit in your day to day. A good place to start is something small, little acts of kindness. Small gestures of every day that can build to a kinder self. Ideas for this may be:  

  1. Inviting a friend to a yoga class, a small gesture that can build on a relationship. But it also benefits both parties, as Yoga has numerous health benefits: increasing flexibility, helping with stress, mental illness, mindfulness, healthy lifestyle, sleep etc. 

  2. Gift a friend, spontaneous or occasion. Recognise and celebrate your relationship  with something you think they’d like. If they work in an office, sitting down most days a nice gift could be Yogi Bare - Yogi Wheel Tropical Flexibility and Support Aid. The perfect product for a deep front and side body stretch, working as an effective spinal massage, assisting Yogis in exploring different advanced postures.  It's ideal for an office worker as well as helping with flexibility to explore more difficult yoga poses. 

  3. Send a nice message to a friend, simple kindness that can brighten someone's day. 

  4. Helping someone out, being aware of the people around you, being considerate and generous acting in a kind gesture. Varying from helping someone out who's struggling with a particular pose, or helping someone find their perfect Yogi mat. 

  5. Not to forget Inner Wellness within all this. Looking after yourself and your body in order to be kinder to others is key every day. Whether that's practicing the ‘four perfect virtues’ to achieve, or whether that's focusing on yourself, being active, eating foods best for your body, staying hydrated. All simple factors of wellness that can lead to a happier self.  

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