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yoga wheel

Do Yoga Wheels Help Back Pain?

A Yoga Wheel is a circular and hollow shaped yoga accessory that is designed to aid stretching, improve flexibility and release upper and lower back pain. Whether you are a...

group studio yoga mats

How Do You Use A Yoga Towel?

Can you do yoga on a towel? Yes, absolutely! You may find yourself wanting to use a yoga towel if you practise at a group studio setting where the mats...

acupressure mats from yogi bare

Metro Feature: Can Acupressure Help Anxiety?

Many of us are experiencing mental strains during the Coronavirus outbreak, due to stress, worry and built-up anxiety.     Metro explores the benefits of acupressure in relation to a major...

kat yogi bare founder

OM Magazine Interview Kat Our Founder

Take a read of the incredible story behind Yogi Bare, interviewed by the enriching OM Yoga & Lifestyle Magazine. We are so grateful for such a wonderful feature. Find out...

yogi mat

How to Clean Your Yogi Bare Mat

How to clean a yoga mat?  Our yoga mat is our sacred place to sweat out our stresses and emotions, to be free and have fun! It’s only natural that...

yoga for cyclists

Yoga For Cyclists

Making a day of a cycle ride used to be the norm if you’re into your cycling, but with the Coronavirus lockdown permitting us only 1 hour a day of...


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